People don’t just buy flowers, they buy the emotions that they evoke

As humans we are driven by our feelings, we feel the need to purchase to satisfy our emotions. We make purchasing decisions based on how hungry we are, how sad or how happy we are, we buy feelings, not things!

For instance, people don’t just buy flowers, they buy the emotions that they evoke. Studies show that people feel less depressed, anxious and agitated after receiving flowers, and demonstrated a higher sense of enjoyment and life satisfaction.

90% of purchasing decisions are emotional.

It’s important to remember that emotions are subconscious and as customers we cannot control them as they are part of us as individuals. But as business owners we can use this to our advantage and evoke emotions within our customers to help connect with them on a deeper level. Marketers successfully use this concept all the time, and create emotion-based campaigns to build brand loyalty.

If you would like to connect with your customers in a more emotional way start by answering these two questions.

1. Who are your target audience? Define how old they are, gender, where they go on holiday, what brands they already buy, what they do for a job, interests and hobbies, what do they value, everyday stresses and struggles. Knowing your target audience inside-out will help you to answer the next question.

2. What emotion(s) would you like your brand to evoke within your target audience? Start by thinking about what day to day problems and difficulties your audience have, how can your product or service help them? Does it free up more time in their busy day? or does it bring comfort and safety to their growing family?

Only when you can answer these two questions confidently you can start to build a brand that evokes these feelings in your target audience. This can be done by way of typography, colour, photography, messaging, language, packaging, approach, environmental credentials etc.

Give emotional selling a try, start talking about the solution and emotion attached to your product and not the actual product itself, give it a go - I’d love to know how the conversation goes.

Thanks for reading, if you found this blog useful please considering sharing. ~ Mechele


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